Butterfly Rising Institute


Butterfly Rising Institute, an organization dedicated to empowering and supporting single mothers, faced challenges with its outdated website, unclear messaging, and unrefined branding. They needed help to effectively communicate their mission, connect with their target audience, and secure partnerships with notable groups.


ShuBu Creative partnered with Butterfly Rising Institute to revamp its brand and online presence. Through a collaborative process, ShuBu Creative identified the key issues and devised a comprehensive solution.

  • Website Redesign: ShuBu Creative developed a visually appealing and user-friendly website for Butterfly Rising Institute. The new website showcased its mission, programs, and success stories compellingly, creating a seamless user experience.

  • Logo Refinement: ShuBu Creative refined Butterfly Rising Institute's logo to align with its vision and values. The updated logo captured the essence of transformation, resilience, and empowerment, visually representing their mission.

  • Clear Messaging: ShuBu Creative worked closely with Butterfly Rising Institute to craft clear and impactful messaging. They refined the organization's brand story, mission statement, and program descriptions to communicate their value proposition to potential partners and single mothers.


The collaboration between ShuBu Creative and Butterfly Rising Institute resulted in significant positive outcomes:

City Program Partnerships & Workshops: Through the brand transformation, Butterfly Rising Institute secured a partnership with the City of Denver Wellness Program. This partnership allowed them to offer their 8-week program for single mothers to a broader audience, enhancing their reach and impact. This improved visibility attracted the attention of other notable groups, leading to more partnerships and collaborations that further expanded their influence.

Enhanced Clarity and Engagement: The clear messaging developed by ShuBu Creative resonated with single mothers and critical stakeholders. It helped prospective participants understand the value of the 8-week program, leading to increased enrollment and active engagement within the community.

Public Relations Coverage: Butterfly Rising Institute has been featured in various podcasts, blogs, trade pubs and more due to ShuBu’s ongoing public relations efforts to increase brand awareness.

Overall, ShuBu Creative's strategic approach to branding and messaging revitalized Butterfly Rising Institute's image, enabling them to make a meaningful impact on the lives of single mothers. By providing a compelling online presence, refined logo, and clear messaging, ShuBu Creative empowered Butterfly Rising Institute to reach its target audience, forge valuable partnerships, and foster positive change in the community.


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Epilectra, A Graphic Novel Series