Epilectra, A Graphic Novel Series



Author and creator of Epilectra, Sue Seserman, came to ShuBu Creative with the brilliant concept of a team of superheroes with disabilities transforming their disabilities into superabilities. The script of a graphic novel series was hand-drawn and presented in a spiral-bound notebook. Sue and her husband, Doug, a marketing professional, knew that this book had a promising future and a vital message to spread. First, however, they wanted help getting it launched and looking professional. 


We worked with Sue to narrow down the key brand pillars of her novel and visually develop the characters in a digitized way. We solidified a clear mission, vision and values as well as a tagline for the book: Transforming Disability into Superability. We determined how to position the book for preteens, parents, and loved ones of those with disabilities. We worked with Sue to hire an illustrator that fit the needs, vision, and style. Once we found the right designer, we went to work.

We've been working for nine months on developing the characters, the storyboards, and the brand messaging pillars. Once we determined the characters and the brand messaging, we created a website, media kit and other marketing materials to support Sue, like business cards and talking points to bring to conferences. At the same time, Sue worked on building a social media presence, followers and general disability awareness. 

All the while, we have also implemented an ongoing monthly e-newsletter to Sue’s growing database of contacts as well as a monthly blog post to keep audiences engaged while we wait for the book to publish.


Sue has grown her audience to thousands of followers on Linkedin, FB, Instagram and Twitter from ground zero. She has gotten endorsements from associations such as the National Epilepsy Foundation and has been interviewed by other industry publications. She even participated in a book publishing contest in Las Vegas, and made it to the top SIX contestants out of 17 for her book pitch. Sue continues to gain awareness of this critical topic. The book was signed with a publisher and is due to hit the market in 2024, so stay tuned!

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